The Philippines

Manila, Corregidor and the Memorial of the Pacific

From 1977 to 1988, the Philippines were one of our most active diving destinations and favorite dive regions. The country was colorful, the people enormously friendly.

When I was first approached to take divers out to the best dive sites, the boats were not even close to our standards for comfort, but a couple of years later the M.V. Seaquest appeared and we could house sixteen divers comfortably. Now we had the country to explore. From Manila with its Memorial of the Pacific (where more than 30,000 allied war dead lie beneath white crosses around a huge pavilion) to Corregidor the destroyed island fortress which led to the fall of the Philippines and the Bataan Death March. Corregidor held out valiantly, and when it was finally overwhelmed, General Jonathan Wainwright sent a message to Washington that began, There is a limit to human endurance…

We traveled South to dive in Batangas Province and drove North to Banaue and Ifugao to see the 2,000-year-old Rice Terraces (which were actually under construction over several thousand years). One day in the late 1970s, Jessica and I were returning to the Manila Hotel from a morning in the city. We heard a commotion in a side corridor, approaching where we were standing at a bookshop right off the immense main lobby.

The commotion was James Bond (actually, Sean Connery), followed by a horde of reporters.
When they reached a point a few feet from where we were standing, Mr. Connery turned, drew himself to his full Bondian height and addressed the reporters. (Gentlemen,” he said. “I am now going to walk across that lobby—alone.”

Connery turned on his heel and walked—and the reporters stood frozen as if struck dumb. Whoa! That is Command.

The Memorial of the Pacific is an extensive memorial containing more than 30,000 wooden crosses arrayed about a magnificent central pavilion within which are huge mosaic of the major battles in which they fell.

The Philippines will always have many wonders for me; memories of ones experiences can never be taken away…

We download a small library of images to display on each of these gallery pages. That takes a number of seconds, but we think you will very much enjoy the result!

Corregidor and the Memorial of the Pacific
16 Inch Gun Emplacement Barracks In Trees Battery Geary Sign Battery Way
Battle Mural Coral Sea Battle Mural Luzon Battle Mural Philippines Battle Murals Midway And Marianas
Boarding Hovercraft At Dawn Crosses And Flowers Memorial Of The Pacific

Crosses And Pavilion

Flower And Crosses to Memorial Of The Pacific
Inside The Barracks Looking Up Thro Barracks Malinta Tunnel Memorial Pavilion
Mile Long Barracks Mile Long BarracksS ign Mortar Baqttery Some Of Over 30000 Crosses
Ruins Of Battery Geary Ruins And Memorial

Manila, Memorial and Banaue

1977 End Of Dive Pick Up 1978 Manila Bay From Hotel 1981 Park And City From Hotel 1981 View from Manila Hotel 1983 View from Manila Hotel
1988 Fishing Boats Puerto Princesa 3000 Year Old Rice Terraces Sunset With Distant Freighter 3000 Year Old Terraces And Native 3000 Year Old Rice Terraces Two
Jeepney At Manila Hotel   Manila Buses Called Jeepneys Airport Pick Up At Palawan

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