Carl's guided tour of the web site



I purposely made this a large site with varied attractions so it could be a research facility for traveling divers. This page is to help you quickly find things of interest to you.

International Scuba Diving Hall

Spinning Trophy

of Fame Induction Ceremony

1. For a series of magazine-style articles on some of the world's greatest diving destinations, Share Carl's Adventures


Board Member

HDS spinning Helmet

Historical Diving Society

2. The Main Photo Gallery has galleries of photos from the world's tropics. Just click the small fish icons for each destination to see the images arrayed. Click on any image for a larger version (Those images are purposely small so they won't be useful if stolen)

3. Browse the Shark Photo Gallery for several species, especially the Great White Sharks

4. There is information on Underwater Photography and Carl's Books

5. Special Services has a currency converter, “What time is it?” in various countries, an interactive World Map, World Weather and other valuable data.

6. Slide Shows from the World's Greatest Reefs

There is much more, but those will get you started!


Dedicated to preserving the history of diving!
Divers Alert Network
Diving Equipment & Marketing Association
International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame
The Historical Diving Society

Modified 07.12.10

Old Destinations Pages Link