
Sophisticated divers now combine Yap with Truk and Palau to make the most of their airline tickets to Micronesia.

What has made Yap a must is the presence of schools of manta rays around a cleaning station in two of the tidal channels. There are very few places in the world where one can reliably photograph these gentle, bizarre creatures.

Yap is a mere forty minutes by air from Palau, so it makes a rewarding stop after a week of intense diving in Palau. The Manta Ray Bay Hotel is spacious, comfortable and well-run by an American, Bill Acker, who is a competent, caring host. Bill's years in Yap have been well spent in creating a magnificent adventure that adds greatly to your Palau or Truk cruises.

The dives with the mantas are sheer magic and something every diver should try to experience. These rays are rather shy, so it is advisable to settle down quietly on the reef and let the rays come to you. If you hit this one right, it is a sublime experience!

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Modified 06-17-23