Whale Shark

This is an adventure that can literally leave you speechless. It is impossible to convey in mere words the pulse-Whalepounding excitement, the adrenaline, the awesomepower, the magnificent serenity of this experience.

We fly to Perth, then 1200 miles North to Exmouth, which is precisely in the middle of nowhere. That is its perfect requirement, for only here off the Ningaloo Reef in March, does an endless parade of giants converge from the open sea. The corals spawn, the shrimps swarm in to feed on the coral larvae, and the whale sharks thunder in to feed on the shrimps.

We go out with only ten divers on a fast, well-equipped live-aboard, True North, fully air-conditioned with private double cabins. We put spotter planes in the sky from 10:30 AM onward when they have sunlight directly overhead to best spot the whale sharks. By radio, the planes guide us right to the sharks. Our groups have had up to seventeen jumps into the water each day to film these behemoths! It is so awesome that only the great white shark has anything like the power, the mystery, the grace, the sheer bulk to command our respect. And these have no teeth...

Porpoises being feed.It is important for divers who will travel so far to know some brutal facts. We watched operators trying to put divers intothe water on the whale sharks and failing. Walkie talkie channels were filled with invective. Sophisticated divers will quickly understand that not all spotter pilots and boat skippers are equal. I have always sought out the best, and the difference showed. Our groups have had 25 or more whale shark dives each trip.

In addition to the whale sharks we will dive another great one-of-a-kind, the Exmouth Pier. Amid the labyrinthine pilings of this huge structure a wonderland of marine species has congregated. Wobbegong sharks, frogfish, deadly stonefish, crocodilefish, catfish, weird nudibranchs, salps, and other stunners are everywhere! When the current is right, this is an amazing excursion into another world. It, with the whale sharks, offers the most heart-pumping adventures of any year in the historyof diving.

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Modified 06-17-23